Agui Day 2019

19 de Diciembre de 2019

In order to strengthen its corporate values ​​among all its workers, Agui celebrated on Friday, December 13th, the “Agui day”. One special day to encourage fellowship, get out of the usual routine and strengthen team spirit.

This year, the focus has been on the entire workforce, regardless of their job position, knowing the operation of each department of Agui. All workers were organized in several mixed groups to go through each of the company's departments to listen to the explanations of the coordinators. In each department the coordinator explained the internal processes that they follow in the day to day, the objectives, the achievements made in 2019 and the expectations for the next 2020.

In the image, Gorka Cabrerizo, coordinator of the offer unit, explains to a group of workers how his department is organized and answers the questions asked by the most curious workers.

On the other hand, on Saturday, December 14th, in the morning, an open day was held in Agui and all the workers were able to visit the plants of Lintzirin and Txirrita with their family and friends. Attendees freely visited the offices and the two manufacturing plants, receiving first-hand explanations from their relatives. A fun day in which they enjoyed a festive atmosphere and concluded with a lunch and some gifts for children.

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