
Agui obtains the certification in EN-15085 and ISO-3834

Agui achieves the EN-15085 welding qualification certification, what ensures the appropriate level of quality in the production of welded systems for the railway sector. It has also implemented...

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Agui Day 2019

In order to strengthen its corporate values ​​among all its workers, Agui celebrated on Friday, December 13th, the “Agui day”. One special day to encourage fellowship, get out...

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Agui at Interlift 2019

For the third consecutive year Agui has attended Interlift fair, held between October 15 and 18. This year's fair has broken records in terms of number of visitors and exhibitors, registering...

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AGUI invests in a new productive center

AGUI invests in a new punching and shearing machine. The goal is to improve the productivity and the capacity in our Txirrita facility. It is a Goiti Cupra 130292 with the characteristics that...

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AGUI increases its productive surface through the subcontracting of the warehouse management

Within the Lean Manufacturing logic in AGUI, besides implementing the traditional supermarkets, we have decided to outsource our warehouse for purchasing and final products. This decision allows...

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AGUI sets in motion the supply management system through the RFDI label

One of the main goals at AGUI during 2018 has been to improve our punctuality rate, and decrease our stocks. In order to do that we have begun to align better with our suppliers and customers...

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AGUI enters into a new business niche; prefabricated houses.

AGUI, within its diversification strategy, has decided to get involved in the manufacturing of pre-fabricated buildings. The product is a mix steel, wood and isolation materials, which we manufacture...

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