Agui obtains the certification in EN-15085 and ISO-3834

27 de Febrero de 2020

Agui achieves the EN-15085 welding qualification certification, what ensures the appropriate level of quality in the production of welded systems for the railway sector. It has also implemented the ISO-3834 welding management system to guarantee the quality of products during production. Igor Aramendi and Oihana Cortajarena, who have been the engineers responsible for the implementation of the project in Agui, will answer some questions to understand what this certification entails.


What is the difference between EN-15085 and ISO-3834?

EN-15085 is a specific standard for welded rail products. ISO-3834 is a general standard for welding quality control, which can be used in various sectors; construction, naval, medical, food... would be the basis of the system.


Isn't it enough to have ISO-9001 to ensure quality in welding processes?

No, welding is a special process and is outside of ISO-9001. This directs you to ISO-3834. Welding is treated separately. When customers want welding quality, they require ISO-3834.


What advantages will Agui internally get with the certification in EN-15085?

The standards used in the EN-15085 and ISO-3834 will help Agui raise and maintain the level of quality in the rest of the products that do not require certification. Welders and the rest of the staff become aware of a higher level of quality. The established system and good practices end up extrapolating to the rest of the products.


How will Agui customers benefit?

Working under an audited and certified system adds value to the work that is done for customers, since it always ensures excellence in processes and quality in the products supplied. Specifically for the railway sector, it will require less monitoring by customers to ensure compliance with their needs, since a third party is responsible for auditing and certifying.

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